Friday, March 9, 2007

Rep. Larry Rhoden

South Dakota House Majority Leader Larry Rhoden at "For Such a Time as This" rally in Rapid City, October 2006.

Picture copyright Dakota Voice and Bob Ellis; link to

1 comment:

Max Goodman said...

On Sept 30th, 2008, in a debate hosted by Democracy In Action at the Ramada Inn in Blackhawk, Rep. Rhoden was asked how felt about taking PAC money vs. individual donations. Among other things, he said, “I don’t typically even look at the checks. When the checks come in, Sandy registers ‘em, and we put them into our account and as long as there from a… not from an organization.. and a guy should pay attention because if you are getting PAC money from an organization that you don’t support, or haven’t supported, or in some cases is trying to ambush you; but for the most part... most of these PAC’s are in-state-organizations. If they send me a check, and it’s a legitimate outfit that works in Pierre, I will cash their check.”

Rep. Rhoden has been 'bought and sold' many times over. His campaign is funded almost entirely by corporate contributions to Political Action Committees (or PAC's), who later give large contributions to him.

The people of South Dakota don't have pull with Rep. Rhoden, he reserves that for big business and other 'Rounds Republicans.'